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【ニュースで学ぶ英語 】震災後の日本に希望をもたらした神韻公演




Shen Yun in Japan: New Hope After Devastating Earthquake

By Jessie Chen, David Lee


1. devastating: [ˋdɛvəs͵tetɪŋ] adj. extremely effective in a destructive way:毀滅性的
2. perform: [pɚˋfɔrm] v. to act in a play表演
3. express: [ɪkˋsprɛs] v. to set forth the opinions, feelings, etc.,表達
4. congratulatory: [kənˋgrætʃələ͵torɪ] adj. expressing or conveying congratulations祝賀的
5. despite: [dɪˋspaɪt] prep. undeterred by儘管
6. due to: [dju] [tu] ph. Attributable to, because of由於
7. indulge: [ɪnˋdʌldʒ] v. to allow oneself the pleasure of something沈迷
8. scenery: [ˋsinərɪ] n. the natural features of a landscape景色
9. impulsive: [ɪmˋpʌlsɪv] adj. forceful, inciting, or impelling有推動的
10. charming: [ˋtʃɑrmɪŋ] adj. delightful; pleasant; attractive迷人的
11. piece: [pis] n. a literary, musical, or artistic composition (藝術)作品;曲,篇
12. dimension: [dɪˋmɛnʃən] n. A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length. 尺寸、面積

Watching the all-new 2012 Shen Yun Performing Arts program in Tokyo, Japan, House of Representatives Member Hirosato Nakatsugawa expressed a congratulatory message. 

[Hirosato Nakatsugawa, House of Representatives Member]: 
“First I want to say congratulations that this show ended successfully. A lot of people came despite of the rain. It was very beautiful.”

Last year, due to the Tohoku earthquake, Shen Yun could not perform in Japan.

[Hirosato Nakatsugawa, House of Representatives Member]: 
“Last year there was no performance, right? Because of the great earthquake? Now I can see it, but weren’t there many people who had been waiting [last year]?” 

Mr. Nakatsugawa says he was indulged by this year’s performance.

[Hirosato Nakatsugawa, House of Representatives Member]: 
“The countryside scenery, and the impulsive dance and music were very charming. Every piece has its own story. The technique was also very high standard, it’s three-dimensional, as if they are flying.”

NTD News, Tokyo, Japan

